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Celebration of international mountain day by Key stakeholders at Makerere University, Uganda

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Drone image showing land degradation and associated risks in Rwenzori

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Beautiful geo-biodiversity in the Rwenzori mountains

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The remnat of glacier on Margherita - Alexandria glacier in Mt Rwenzori

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Mountains are key biodiversity hotspots and water towers for high-and low-lands

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Degraded mountain slopes pose many risks to downstream communities; flash floods and mudslides devastated Mbale city in Uganda on 1st August 2023

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Alpine eco system in Mt. Rwenzori

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About MIRI

A not-for-profit independent organization founded in 2021 by a team of montologists, with the aim of contributing to building resilient communities through innovations and research.

Mountain environments are progressively becoming more vulnerable due to shifts in climatic and demographic conditions.



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